
Your Facilitators

Amanda Dale

Before I had my two kids, I had no idea the range of experiences of early parenthood! I think one thing we might all have in common in those early days is the need to find strength in knowing that we are doing our best, and that there's no one right path for everyone. I'm so excited to bring this neighborhood group model to our region and help others make their own connections.

Shaina Seidner

After having our first daughter in 2019 I assumed our existing community of supportive friends and (out of state) family we had in Anchorage would 'be enough.' Only after experiencing the ups and downs of parenting an infant those first few months did I realize my desire to connect with other new parents sharing similar successes and challenges. I'm happy to bring EPSA and the community that comes with it to Southcentral Alaska.

Ashley Simien

I am a mother of 3 biological children and 2 bonus children. They range in age 3 months up to 20 years old! I’ve always had a large support group. As I look back, I feel like I wouldn’t have made it this far without them. I am excited to connect parents through a journey that could offer them the same support through EPSA!

Elise Giordano

I’m a first time mom to a complete Velcro baby. I never knew I’d be so good at doing things one handed! In all seriousness, becoming a mom has been one of my most humbling experiences to date. Having others you can lean on who are going through similar experiences is invaluable and so important in those early days. I formed great friendships and received incredible support as a former EPSA group member, and I’m excited to continue my journey as a facilitator. We’re all in this together!

Interested in being a facilitator?

EPSA facilitators work from a curriculum and receive training from the PEPS organization. If you are passionate about supporting new parents and committed to creating a supportive, non-judgmental space, you might make a great group facilitator! Find out more by emailing epsaak@gmail.com.

Access to a supportive cohort of new families neighborhood. Our small groups meet weekly (with baby!) for 10-12 weeks in the homes of group members, with a trained group facilitator who leads the group through conversations and the Strengthening Families curriculum, as well as sharing local resources for group members. Each weekly meeting includes a sharing time, developmental activity (e.g., songs and games for babies), and discussion of a relevant parenting topic such as sleeping, anxiety disorders, and balancing work and family.